The military wasn’t the only institution that didn’t want to get mixed up in your sex life. But now that soldiers are free to be openly gay, a lot of other places have to drop their policies about employee and member lifestyle as well.
- Abercrombie & Fitch is repealing its Don’t Squirt on a Shirt policy
- Wal Mart will now formally dismiss its Don’t Let Your Poverty Bother Me policy
- BoA will drop its No Wanking While Banking rule
- BP’s controversial Environment Schmenvironment policy will be amended
- First started in the JFK administration, the White House’s In Yer Intern policy is being removed.
- FEMA will reevaluate its We’ll Get Your Home Back Unless You’re Black procedure
- The Catholic Church will repeal its If you Tell Your Parents You’ll Burn in Hell policy.
- The Palin family will repeal their C’mon Baby! Just The Tip… policy
- Most trailer parks will be reviewing their If You Get Starla/Crystal/Cheyenne/ Lexus Pregnant You Have to Marry Her policy
- Holy Taco will continue its I Don’t Care if it’s Not Funny, Post it Anyway editorial strategy