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30 WTF Moments from Matt Zarley’s WTF


Word has it this video is not a joke.  I say well played, because this shit is hilarious, but I will go with the idea it’s sincere for the purposes of this article because the rational part of my brain still watches and understands it like it’s a real thing.  I mean, I get this it’s made with a sense of humor, but on some level I don’t think it’s actually a parody.  So that’s kind of sad.  Gay dudes, no one will ever take you seriously if this kind of thing keeps happening.

Anyway, here are 30 things this video taught/showed/burned into me.

  1. 0:09 – Is that a steroid-enhanced David Leisure?
  2. 0:23 – There are no rules in gay football
  3. 0:28 – Is it just me or does that repetitive beat in the background sound like a rubber-sealed robot farting at a fierce pace?
  4. 0:32 – He literally blew your mind?  Do you know what that means?  Do I want to know what you think it means?
  5. 0:35 – That tattoo doesn’t seem to be a unicorn.  I’m confused.
  6. 0:42 – Somebody help David Leisure, even with his steroid-enhanced strength it’s clear those walls are closing in on him!
  7. 0:46 – Did you just kiss a weiner dog?
  8. 0:50 – And are you, in fact, wearing a tie with a hoodie?
  9. 0:52 – Dude, I don’t want to judge, but I think you’ve hired a big, gay, shirtless gardener
  10. 0:59 – Gratuitous pocket pool shot.  So even the directors of gay videos are exploitative and gross.  Nice.
  11. 1:02 – What kind of asshole burns bacon?
  12. 1:12 – While it’s tragic that the man who molested you during a football game is now co-gardening shirtless in the yard, I still hope this was based on a true event that actually, literally caused the song writer to say, out loud, alone, “wtf?”  Like the actual three letters.
  13. 1:17 – Pause the video right here and tell me he’s not having a stroke.
  14. 1:19 – Yep.  Big, green, knobby balls.
  15. 1:28 – Pool safety goggles are intense
  16. 1:35 – Wait, is that a unicorn?  I can’t tell, that metaphorical money shot is in the way.
  17. 1:40 – I think I had that look on my face the first time I watched this video
  18. 1:49 – Jesus man, why are you relaxing, your friend is drowning!
  19. 1:55 – Hiding in a shrub, with the dog.  Yes sir.
  20. 2:00 – UPS will fire your ass if that’s how you show up at somebody’s door.
  21. 2:08 – My, what an evil rapist smile you have there.  May want to scale that back, sex offender.
  22. 2:14 – This is worth watching, you’re literally never going to see something this gay again, and that includes if you’re invited to the wedding of Clay Aiken and Richard Simmons
  23. 2:33 – Got your murder face on.  Atta boy, David Leisure.
  24. 2:45 – Gay reinforcements!  This is just like the Expendables, only no one is as craggy as Mickey Rourke.
  25. 2:58 – I actually watched myself saying “what the” in a mirror before writing this – why is your tongue sticking out like that?  Does anyone else do that when they say “the?”  You look like Hooch drinking a beer.
  26. 3:16 – I didn’t know gay guys only had one kind of underwear.
  27. 3:28 – So there’s forms to fill out when you kidnap someone?  Or is that for the implied homicide after the camera stops?
  28. 3:39 – 555?  Dude, that’s a fake ass number
  29. 3:43 – Is he pooping right there?
  30. 4:00 – Holy shit, it is based on a true story!

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